abs(a) | Absolute value (per component). | reflect(i, n) | Returns the reflection vector v, given the entering ray direction i, and the surface normal n. Such that v = i - 2 * dot(i, n) * n | |
sin(x) cos(x) tan(x) | Returns the sine/cosine/tangent of x. | refract(i, n, eta) | Returns the refraction vector v, given the entering ray direction i, the surface normal n, and the relative index of refraction eta. If the angle between i and n is too great given eta, refract returns (0,0,0). | |
cross(a, b) | Returns the cross product of two 3-D vectors. | round(x) | Rounds x to the nearest integer. | |
distance(a, b) | Returns the distance between two points, a and b. | rsqrt(a) | Inverse square root: 1 / Square root (per component). | |
dot(a, b) | Returns the dot product of two vectors a and b. | saturate(x) | Clamps x to the range [0, 1]. | |
frac(x) | Returns the fractional part f of x, such that f is a value greater than or equal to 0, and less than 1. | sqrt(a) | Square root (per component). | |
lerp(a, b, s) | Returns a + s(b - a). This linearly interpolates between a and b, such that the return value is a when s is 0, and b when s is 1. | tex1D(s, t) | 1-D texture lookup. s is a sampler or a sampler1D object. t is a scalar. | |
max(a,b) min(a, b) | Selects the greater/lesser of a and b. | tex2D(s, t) | 2-D texture lookup. s is a sampler or a sampler2D object. t is a 2-D texture coordinate. | |
mul(a, b) | Performs matrix multiplication between a and b. If a is a vector, it’s treated as row vector. If b is a vector, it is treated as column vector. | tex3D(s, t) | 3-D volume texture lookup. s is a sampler or a sampler3D object. t is a 3-D texture coordinate. | |
normalize(x) | Returns the normalized vector x / length(x). If the length of x is 0, the result is indefinite. | texCUBE(s, t) | 3-D cube texture lookup. s is a sampler or a samplerCUBE object. t is a 3-D texture coordinate. | |
pow(x, y) | Returns xy |
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