
유니티 Unity CloudProjectId 변경하기

쑥갓 2019. 8. 23. 10:01

batchmode에서 안됨

    public static void SetCloudProjectId(string id, string name, string company)
        var type = Type.GetType("UnityEditor.Connect.UnityConnect, UnityEditor, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null");
        PropertyInfo instanceInfo = type.GetProperty("instance");
        object settingsInstance = instanceInfo.GetValue(null, null);

        MethodInfo unbind = type.GetMethod("UnbindProject");
        MethodInfo bind = type.GetMethod("BindProject");

        Debug.Log("Unbinding current cloud project");
        unbind.Invoke(settingsInstance, new System.Object[] { });

        Debug.LogFormat("Binding cloud project to {0}: {1} ({2})", name, id, company);
        bind.Invoke(settingsInstance, new System.Object[] { id, name, company });

        Debug.LogFormat("Binded cloud project to {0}: {1} ({2})", name, id, company);